Welcome to the euref-ip.net GNSS Streaming Server

Protocol: NTRIP 2.0

This server is euref-ip.net, running on Port 80 and 2101 (http) and on Port 443 (https), operated by BKG in support of the Real-Time IGS Working Group (RTIGS).

Details about GNSS observations streams on the euref-ip.net Ntrip Broadcaster are available through

For receiving GNSS streams via NTRIP in real-time you may use the BKG Ntrip Client (BNC). This is a multi-stream Ntrip Client program designed to run on a PC or Laptop. It retrieves data from any NTRIP supporting Broadcaster. The program handles the HTTP communication and can transfer received GNSS data to a Serial or IP port to feed your application.

All of the streams on the euref-ip.net Ntrip Broadcaster are protected. Authorization is provided through an online user Registration.

For more information visit

Or contact euref-ip@bkg.bund.de.

The BKG is responsible today for operating the euref-ip.net Broadcaster. It disclaims any liability and responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage caused, or alleged to be caused, directly or indirectly by the use and application of the NTRIP technology.